A Farewell to Craig

A Farewell to Craig

It’s not a goodbye – it’s a see you later. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end but the mark that Craig has left on Design House is something that will live forever. Craig’s artistry and work has not only left a mark on Design House, but on countless customers through endless, unique, sentimental pieces and his recurring charisma that brought smiles and uplifted the atmosphere every day. It is an absolute honor and pleasure to dedicate this blog to the work and legacy of our loving goldsmith, husband, father, grandfather and dear friend, Craig. 
After working with Design House for almost a decade, the time has come for our devoted Craig to retire. In honor of his retirement, this blog will provide a simple glimpse of the past 8 and a half years that Craig has been with Design House including a brief interview with Craig and comments from the Design House team. This is only a small piece of our gratitude towards Craig and of all those years that he has been with Design House!

Craig got his start in the goldsmith realm by attending Paris Junior College for Jewelry Making and Horology after connecting with a jewelry business owner that offered him a job and helped sparked his interest in the jewelry field. Though Craig has been with Design House since late 2014, he and Linda, owner and artisan of Design House, began working together in the 80s. Linda and Craig worked together for about 4 years before Craig left to work for M&M Mars for 25 years. After not touching a piece of jewelry for over 25 years, he finally sat back down at the jewelry bench at Design House and the rest is history. 
Craig is more than just a goldsmith — he’s a pioneer. In his almost 9 years at Design House, he has managed to establish personal and wonderful connections with hundreds of customers and now lifelong friends. Overall, there is never a dull moment with Craig. In fact, Craig is an absolute delight to work with or hold a simple conversation with! 
One of our Design House members sat down with Craig to discuss with him in a short, fun interview that showcases his amusing and alluring personality!
Q: What would you say you’ll miss the most about working with Design House?
Craig: People. The customers, environment and satisfaction of making and putting things together.
Q: What are your favorite pieces or memories you’ve made during your time here?
Craig: Creating things that are unusual and pieces that no one else would have are my favorites.
Q: If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?
Craig: I’d be an eagle. I think it would be cool to be able to fly and get a different perspective on things.
Q: What song must you sing along to the moment you hear it?
Craig: Witchy Woman by the Eagles.
Q: If you had to eat the same meal at least once a day, what would it be? 
Craig: It would probably be a sandwich!
Q: What’s the one item you cannot live without?
Craig: A watch. I love watches.
Q: Pineapples on pizza — yes or no?
Craig: Yes. 
Q: Did you ever get in trouble at school as a teen and if so, what for?
Craig: Oh yeah. Just acting up in class!
Q: What is the strangest purchase you’ve ever made?
Craig: A Gandalf the Grey from Lord of the Rings costume I purchased two Halloweens ago.
Another thing to know about Craig is his festivity and love for holidays!
Julie: “For St. Patrick’s Day, Craig and I were the only ones wearing green! There is no doubt Craig is festive and his easy-going personality makes it that much better to work with him!”
Q: If you could have one superpower what would it be and why?
Craig: Hmm, I think flying. It’s just something I can’t do. I’ve skydived before and I love it!
Q: What are the most-used emojis on your phone?
Craig: Probably the emoji with the one squinting eye and tongue out that’s kind of like a joke.
Q: Who or what inspires you?
Craig: My wife and the Church definitely inspire me. I spend a lot of time with the Church and teach a Bible study class.
Q: Dogs or cats?
Craig: Dogs.
Q: What is your go-to, rock paper or scissors?
Craig: Rock.
In all, Craig has been nothing but a joy to have at Design House and although he is retiring, his guidance will live through our upcoming jeweler, Loly, who he has been mentoring. Craig discusses that it is an honor for him to be able to pass on the knowledge that he once received onto a newer generation, to build confidence and continue to leave his mark on Design House even after parting.
Loly: “Craig has passed down his special work pliers that he used while he was at Paris College to me. It is sentimental to me knowing that they are pliers that he used when he first started learning the same way that I am learning now.”

We asked the rest of the Design House team what they’ll miss most about Craig and here’s what they said:

Kim: “His wit and ability to light up a room with a few words.”

Veronica: “Definitely his sense of humor and the nicknames he’s given us.”

Madelynn: “His jokes and fun personality!”

Courtney: “His Good Mornings!”

Craig will be missed dearly here in the studio, and as we come to an end on this chapter, Design House sincerely wishes Craig nothing but the absolute best on his retirement and we thank Craig for his determination, work, personality and for being a key part of the Design House team for over 8 years!



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Craig, thanks for always being so kind and PATIENT! As you have repaired my necklace endless times🤣. You’ll be missed! Have fun!!💙🎉

Sheri Springston

What a lovely tribute 🥰

Susie Farley

Craig, I will miss seeing you at Design House! You have always been a delight to talk to and your artistry has been wonderful. Best wishes to you and your family. Enjoy yourselves.

Betty Kaga

Congratulations to Craig, go enjoy your retirement and may the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

Lisa Ray

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